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The FarmAsinara project is based on the study of natural resources, dealing not just with wild living plants but also with by-products of natural product processing (sea-urchin husks, etc.) that are introduced and valorized in the finished cosmetic product lines.

These products are created and distributed by the Asinara Cosmetic Laboratories that have been developed at Cala Reale, thanks to cooperation over several years with the National Park of Asinara. Studies and scientific research are going ahead, together with Sassari University’s Natural Substances Laboratory, aimed at identifying vegetable extracts or active ingredients obtained from the plants that can be used in the cosmetic lines. Cosmetic production takes place entirely, however, at the Asinara Cosmetic Laboratories.

This is where creams, cosmetic milks and soaps come into being, and extracts of the essential-oils of the plants growing wild on Asinara Island are used and experimented with.

The production, distribution and promotion of these exclusive cosmetic products is managed by the spin-off, “Natural Substances of Sardinia srl”, which guarantees – with the professionalism it possesses – production and innovation in manufacturing processes at a high technological level but with low impact in terms of pollution.


Barberia Line
Barberia Line
Body Massage Line
Body Massage Line

Sant'Andrea Line
Sant’Andrea Line
Artisanal Soap Line
Artisanal Soap Line

Grecale Line
Grecale Line

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